Jessie Yuan

Hello, welcome to my website! I'm a third-year undergraduate student studying computer science and mathematics at Carnegie Mellon University. I am fortunate to be working with Prof. Zackory Erickson as part of CMU's Robotic Caregiving and Human Interaction Lab.

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I'm broadly interested in assistive interfaces and human-robot interaction, in particular how we can leverage artificial intelligence to create more intuitive and accessible interfaces for robots.

voicepilot VoicePilot: Harnessing LLMs as Speech Interfaces for Physically Assistive Robots
Akhil Padmanabha*, Jessie Yuan*, Janavi Gupta, Zulekha Karachiwalla, Carmel Majidi, Henny Admoni, Zackory Erickson
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 2024
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